Our Theological Principles

Christ Centred

We believe in the unity of God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, and that Jesus Christ is the true image of God come into this world to reveal God the Father. All humanity have sinned rejecting God’s sovereign and loving rule. Jesus Christ brings forgiveness for sin and reconciliation with the Father through His atoning death in our place and resurrection on our behalf. Therefore in all ADM’s activities we seek to be Christ centred and bear witness to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and bring him glory.

Life Giving Word

We believe that God’s word written, the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. Therefore ADM seeks to be consistent with Biblical teaching in all activities and train and equip believers to live in light of God’s word.

Human Dignity and Need

We believe human beings, male and female, are created in the image of God. We believe in the equality, difference and inter dependence of men and women. Humanity is uniquely made for relationship with God, and with each other, and for stewarding the creation under God, to his glory. In this context marriage is intended by God as a lifelong union between a man and a woman. We therefore recognise both the inherent dignity and worth of all human beings and acknowledge the need of all people of God’s reconciling action and renewal into the image of Christ.

God the Reconciler

We believe God’s faithful love is demonstrated in his act to reconcile all things to himself through Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, ascension and reign. Humanity has rejected God’s sovereign and loving rule and are deserving of his judgement. The deepest and most urgent need of humanity is to be forgiven and reconciled to God. The gospel of Jesus Christ speaks into all life contexts to provide grace and encouragement, to alleviate suffering and distress and provide eternal hope. Integral to ADM’s work is the hope of testifying to God’s redeeming work in Jesus Christ - calling all people to repent of their sins and trust in Jesus as Lord and Saviour and be united by His Spirit into the fellowship of His people.

Enriched by the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life, convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment and this same Spirit comforts the believer by unifying them with the Lord Jesus and enabling them to call God Father through the gift of new birth. Repentance of sin and confession of faith in the Lord Jesus are immediate signs of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit’s work continues in leading believers to grow in Holiness by convicting hearts and by enriching right understanding and application of God’s word. We therefore seek, the outward signs of this enrichment, transformed lives which bear fruit for Christ.

Future Hope and Present Engagement

We believe in and anticipate the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ in glory as judge to establish his Kingdom and renew all things. In the light of this we recognise our calling to make disciples of all nations by proclaiming and living the gospel and our accountability as servants to reflect his character. Therefore while we wait we have hope, and pursue God’s good purpose for this world seeking his justice and reconciled relationships knowing that true justice and lasting peace are found in the age to come.

Fruit of Faith

We believe that it is faith alone which unites believers with Christ through whom God enables believers to be made Holy. Faith is never found alone but produces a transformed life of holiness and good works. We therefore seek to model faith in action responding to need and provide means by which works of Christian faith are fostered. ADM seeks to train and equip women to use their God given gifts to his glory in all spheres of life, to engage culture with biblically informed insight and speak and act with the hope of Christ.

Good news for Women

We believe that Christianity is good news for women and the Bible’s teaching provides a clear foundation for the inherent dignity and value of women. The Lord Jesus Christ called women to hear his teaching and to go into all the world making disciples in his name.

We recognise that women with a shared view of the authority of Scripture come to differing conclusions on how they will express their faith in practice and seek to be unified through Christ.

We are a foundation of Christian women for women serving Jesus in kingdom work.